  • An organic nutrient supplement which carries the properties of manure, fungicide and insecticide.
  • Recommended for Coconut in all stages of growth. Specific against yellowing of leaves, button shedding and immature nut fall, stunted growth, delayed flowering, leaf rot, buckling of fronds and the pest Cockchafer beetle, the grubs of which damage roots of Coconut palm.
  • It is in coarse powder form.
  • Dosage and application:

    For adult trees (aged 3 and more years after planting) - Palmzoom 650 gm, Salt 2 kg, Ash 500 gm. To be mixed well and applied to basins formed around the tree. The mixture would be sufficient to apply to 6 healthy trees or 2 to 3 diseased ones.
    Below 3 years - To reduce the dose proportionately depending on the age.

  • Sold in 650 gm packets

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