  • Organic manure. Induces tolerance to crops against pests and microbial pathogens.
  • Recommended for Horticultural crops, Spices and Rubber.
  • It is a coarse powder.
  • Dosage and application:

    Flowering and ornamental plants - ½ to 2 table spoonfuls depending on the growth of the crop, once in 20 - 30 days.

    Vegetables - 1 to 4 table spoonfuls, once in 20 - 30 days.

    Pepper - 1 to 3 table spoonfuls, once a month.

    Nutmeg, Vanila, seedlings of high yielding varieties of fruit plants and Rubber seedlings - 2 to 6 table spoonfuls, once a month.

    Guidelines - Manure should be applied only 20 - 30 days after planting ie when the plant has fully established in the field. There should be adequate moisture in the soil while manuring. Manure is to be applied in basins dug around plants, 9 inches to 2 ft. away from the base of the plant depending on its growth. Manure has to be well raked up into the soil.

  • Packet size 1.20 kg.

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