  • It carries fungicidal and insecticidal properties.
  • Recommended for Coconut palms to control diseases like Bud rot, Leaf rot and the pest Coried bug which is seen on crown region.
  • It is in powder form.
  • Dosage and application :
  • Bud rot - Tenderex 20 gm to be dissolved in 400 ml of water and poured into pre-cleaned spindle leaves of affected trees. Protect the treated part with polythene cover.
    Leaf rot - Tenderex 20 gm, water 400 ml. To be mixed well and sprayed on affected leaves.
    Coried bug - Tenderex 20 gm, water 400 ml. To be mixed well and sprayed to the newly opened inflorescence after the receptive phase of the female flowers (ie after 20 days) and the entire crown excluding leaves and older bunches.

  • Sold in 20 gm packets.

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